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Mass Bankers Political Action Committee (PAC) is the multi-candidate PAC of the Massachusetts Bankers Association. A bipartisan organization governed by bankers from commercial, savings, and co-operative banks and federal savings and loan associations, Mass Bankers PAC is focused on advancing the interests of the banking industry at the state and federal levels.
To learn more about our legislative program, industry issues and more, click here: Advocacy (
Your contributions ensure that each Massachusetts bank is represented, and that your interests are promoted and protected at the State House. Mass Bankers PAC combines the resources of the thousands of bankers across the Commonwealth and gives the banking industry a powerful voice on Beacon Hill.
Contributions to Mass Bankers PAC may be made by individual bankers, officers, directors, trustees and corporators, as well as other individuals associated with the banking industry. However, direct or indirect corporate contributions are strictly prohibited under state and federal law. PACs affiliated with member institutions may also give to Mass Bankers PAC.
No. All contributions are strictly voluntary. Individuals will not be penalized or financially rewarded for their decision to contribute or for the amount of their personal contributions to Mass Bankers PAC.
Yes. Personal contribution limits to:
Mass Bankers PAC State - $500/year.
Mass Bankers PAC Federal* - $5,000/year.
*Bank CEO must complete solicitation form prior to contributions
Massachusetts State PACs - $500/year to Mass Bankers PAC state fund
All contributions are strictly voluntary.
Contributions can be made by check by filling out and mailing the PAC Contribution Form and a check to: Mass Bankers PAC, One Washington Mall, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02108-2603.
$31,142 Total Contributions
35 Banks
171 Individual Contributors
Bristol County Savings Bank – 51 Contributors - $7,405
Cape Cod 5 – 31 Contributors - $5,162
BankFive – 11 Contributors – $3,300
East Cambridge Savings Bank – 9 Contributors – 10 Contributors - $2,220
Mass Bankers – 9 Contributors – $1,575
Lowell Five Bank – 6 Contributors – $1,125
BayCoast Bank – 6 Contributors – $1,075
Haverhill Bank – 3 Contributors – $1,000
Avidia Bank
Bluestone Bank
Brookline Bank
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust Company
Cornerstone Bank
Dedham Savings
Everett Bank
Fidelity Bank
Florence Bank
Millbury National Bank
Monson Savings Bank
MountainOne Bank
Needham Bank
North Easton Savings Bank
OneLocal Bank
Peoples Bank
Rollstone Bank
Savers Bank
TCM Bank
The Cooperative Bank
The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod
The Savings Bank
The Village Bank
Walpole Co-Operative Bank